And So It Grows

Its such a pleasure to watch the spring vegetable garden grow up and reach full production. Plants are full of vigor with a fresh healthy look. Ripening vegetables are shiny and colorful. Its the perfect time for taking pictures like the ones displayed on seed packages. Enjoy it while it lasts. Soon thereafter the summer heat kicks in and begins to take its toll on the once healthy plants. Or at least this is the way it usually works in my home garden. Yes, some plants do well in the intense summer heat, peanuts and okra to name a couple. But many others struggle to hold on to the cooler fall weather.. Which by the way is not too different than the mode of the gardener. The effect of the intense heat of summer reduces gardening activities to early morning or late afternoon -- or at least seems to be the case for some of us. So we too get into a holding mode awaiting the cooler days of the Fall when gardening becomes once again more pleasurable.